Friday, February 25, 2022





America is at her weakest national leadership since Carter, who "in the eyes of U.S. enemies in the brittle Cold War era, it seemed America was without leadership and that there was an opportune moment to make a grab for power and establish global hegemony" (Henley, The Most Dangerous Moment, The Christian Post, 2022); at her weakest national leadership since Obama, who consistently bowed down and kowtowed to her national enemies. 

Obama has in just three short years in the White House has done more damage to American prestige and power than Jimmy Carter could have dreamed of accomplishing.  Obama has bent over and kowtowed to every anti-American regime in the world, instigated an “Arab Spring” that put Islamists in power over the moderate voices in Islam, emboldened parallel voices in China and Europe to allow them to challenge the Pax Americana… (Kenny, Obama’s Emasculation of America’s Military Must Be Stopped, Bearing Drift, 2012)

This is absolutely no time for America to be entering into any arena of war! And, her national enemies know it and are capitalizing on her weak leadership under Biden/Harris. Neither one exudes respect, confidence, or resolve to lead the world's only hope of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. "Barely one-third of Americans approve of the way President Biden is handling the threat of a Russian invasion of Ukraine" (Patteson, More than half of Americans give Biden thumbs-down on Ukraine crisis, New York Post, 2022) The timing is too targeted to the ineptitude of America's leaders to lead - this is no coincidence. 

The Ukrainian/Russian conflict is not new. It is not just now - February of 2022 - beginning, nor is the invasion of Russia into specific Ukrainian areas which have been in civil conflict with the Ukrainian government for well over a decade. This ongoing conflict is already 13,000 deaths old. "Even before the recently increased risk of a Russian invasion, the Ukrainian crisis, ravaging the Donbass region of the country, had amassed a death toll above the 13 thousand mark" (Armstrong, The World at War in 2022, Statista, 2022). 

Former President Trump acknowledged Russian leader Vladimir Putin's strategy  as “very savvy”, with the timing of Russia's military action synched with the very weak USA leadership of President Biden. Trump went on to say, “This is genius: Putin declares a big portion of Ukraine as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful ... I said: How smart is that?’” (Goldiner, Trump praises Putin as ‘genius’ and ‘very savvy’ for invading Ukraine, Daily News, 2022) capitalizing on the decades old Ukrainian civil conflict. As a strategist, who can argue Putin's strategy as being anything but brilliant - attack when your enemy is at their weakest.

Watch it! - Why now? This is no time to be putting the lives of our children into harms way in a conflict that is not new, nor the only conflict globally happening. There are warring conflicts happening all across the globe - nothing new. (Armstrong, The World at War in 2022, Statista, 2022) So, why the importance of this conflict and what happened to the Covid 19 pandemic headlines? Where are the Covidemic headlines? Is this 'new' Ukrainian/Russian conflict meant to take the world's eyes off of the Covidemic - its weakening state - its criminal cause - its progression/mutation - its worldwide destructive social/political/humanitarian effects? 

Are all of our media organizations corrupt enough to fall in line with the realigning of the world's attention on anything but what has impacted the whole world in a most devious way?  The conflict/invasion happening in Ukraine is a humanitarian crisis - no doubt about that! But so are the conflicts/invasions happening all across the world on every continent - including the massive invasion happening right on the southern border of the USA! Nevertheless, let us not allow our children to be drawn into a conflict that can be resolved with non-lethal actions. This Ukraine/Russian event never would have happened under Trump's leadership - "Not even a possibility!" (Khaled, Trump Says Russia-Ukraine Tensions 'Would Never Have Happened' Under His Presidency, Newsweek, 2022). 

Why now is the Ukraine/Russian conflict center stage - when the Covidemic is not resolved - not processed - not prosecuted - nor criminal charges executed? Watch it! Let's not let the most destructive world wide event to ever happen be allowed to disappear in the headlines, for it is certain to re-emerge if allowed to slip into obscurity. 'Smirking' pro profit shot pundit Bill Gates announces that "this will not be the last pandemic that we face" (Sandhu, Next Pandemic Will Get Attention: Video Clip of 'Smirking' Bill and Melinda Gates Draws Ire Online, International Business Times, 2020)


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