Saturday, April 11, 2009


You can make a difference
In December 1773 the original Sons of Liberty boarded three British ships and dumped 342 crates of British tea into Boston harbor. This was the result of the British government implementing direct taxes on the Colonists despite not allowing them to be represented in the government. This incident marked the beginning of similar events throughout the colonies that led to the boycott of British Tea, and eventually the revolution which led to the independence of our great country.

Today, we great grandchildren of the original Sons of Liberty find our country in a most precarious and dire situation. Within the last year, we have watched our retirement and investment funds lose their value by half. We continue to see the value of our homes depreciate while being asked to pay for the mortgages of people who made irresponsible decisions. As this has occurred, our government, occupied by irresponsible politicians, has passed legislation that binds our children with enormous debt for the purpose of meaningless spending and massive expansion of government. They have chosen to throw endless amounts of our money at inefficient companies and banks while raising taxes on small businesses. It is a most shameful and unacceptable outcome.

CNBC's Rick Santelli struck a nerve throughout the country with his 'Shout heard around the world.' Americans are angry and disgusted with the actions of their government. serves as a catalyst for Ohioans to educate themselves, inform their family and friends, and organize to put pressure on irresponsible politicians.

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Were You There? View Picture Slide Show.

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