Monday, June 29, 2009



"McGrew explains that Obama's "certificate of birth" is not a birth certificate,
but a certification of live birth that any foreigner can acquire by applying for
one in the state's vital records department
, regardless of where the baby was
Read the whole story:


The California secretary of state should refuse to
allow the state's 55 Electoral College votes to be
cast in the 2008 presidential election until
President-elect Barack Obama verifies his eligibility
to hold the office, alleges a California court
filed on behalf of former presidential
candidate Alan Keyes
and others.


America's Independent Party National Committee

Bob Frantz - Cleveland Tea Party Speech Part 1 of 3- Bob Frantz Speech

Bob Frantz UNEDITED Part 3 - Cleveland Tea Party Speech

Were You There? View Picture Slide Show.

The Star Spangled Banner - sung by Adena Williams - live performance - thousands join in.

God Bless America sung by Carlton "C.J." Jenkins - live

-TEA PARTY PARANOIA?- Blogger Interrupted Adds Credence To Growing Anti-Obama Climate

Although BloggerInterrupted aims to show the anti-Obama citizens in an ill way, his footage actually encouraged me and validates the multitude of problematic Obama issues... enjoy. .........................................

Cleveland TeaParty - a DVD trailer on YouTube

Cleveland, Ohio Tax Day Tea Party protest -- 4.15.09 WKYC News Report